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Can Microbes Help Your Garden Fight Climate Change?

3 min read-

In a world effected by intensifying climate changes, we’re all becoming increasingly aware of the impacts on our own lives. From hotter temperatures, unpredictable rainfall, wildfires, and more, we’re starting to see some alarming changes. And if you’re a gardener, you know that these stresses will definitely challenge your beloved plants. Since plants lack locomotion, they are literally rooted to the ground and that makes them vulnerable. They can’t just put on another layer of insulation or grab a drink of water at the hose. They seem rather helpless, don’t they? But, even with the seeming weakness of being immobile, plants have successfully survived strange environmental stresses for millions of years.

So how do they do it?

Scientists have been documenting observations about plant life since the time of the ancient Greeks. Up until the last few decades conventional wisdom has told us that all life, not just plants, operates completely independent of other life. That we are all “going it alone”. But in the 21st century we have learned this is just not true. It turns out that none of us are alone in our bodies, and a more accurate description paints a picture of integral dependence on other species. For example, we’re currently learning about the human microbiome (microbial species that live within us carrying out critical daily functions). We call these relationships symbiotic — interactions between two different organisms living in close physical association. There are different varieties of symbiosis, but they are typically beneficial to both sides. And we’ve learned other species have their own unique relationships, think of the clownfish and the anemone. The clownfish receives protection from the anemone, and the anemone receives waste nutrients from the clownfish. It’s a win-win!

And now … back to the plants.

Scientists now know that plants do not live alone either. Many close relationships between plants and a diverse array of microbes have been discovered. There is a particularly special class of fungi that have the ability to make their symbiotic plant partners more resilient to stress. (And couldn’t we all use a little more of that?!) These plants can endure intense drought, temperature extremes, and depleted soils when these special fungi live inside them. The same plants without the fungi don’t fare so well. Scientists are currently researching this dynamic partnership but it’s thought that the fungi have to ability to help regulate the plants’ metabolism. Amazingly, these fungi are helping the plant mitigate climate change effects. Pretty powerful stuff for such tiny organisms.

Aren’t microbes, especially fungi, bad for plants?

They can be yes, but it is much rarer than we think. Worldwide sampling studies conducted in the 1970’s showed that ALL plants in natural ecosystems have symbiotic relationships with a diverse array of microbes. Pretty astounding. They discovered that if you look in natural ecosystems disease is the exception, not the rule.

Over decades of study plant researchers can now confidently identify microbial species and their interactions with plants. And yes, some are pathogenic, but the vast majority are beneficial to plants. There are copious well-known symbiotic microbes that are commonly sold as agriculture and gardening enhancement products. These products are a boon for organic growers that understand the benefit of a diverse microbial ecosystem in their soil webs!

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